DANCE CRIP Lyrics in English (Translation) - Trueno


DANCE CRIP Lyrics in English (Translation) - Trueno

DANCE CRIP Lyrics in English (Translation) - Trueno

Lyrics Translation is below down... !!

Ayy, hehe

Ayy, what's happenin'?

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien

Que buen tema, amigo, DANCE CRIP

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien

Ayy, what's happenin'?

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Ayudame con esto, amigo

En la calle me conocen como el hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip

La cara de los jóven del país

Es el turro más pegado, what the f*ck is this?

Sé tu número 'e condado, ñeri, fu-fu-fu-f*ck

Ah, ya tú, ah, sabe', ah, como, ah, sabe, ah

Sonando en los bare', what you think about it?

Que le avisen a los sello' para que se preparen (Okey)

Porque la calle pide salsa

Compas con paz, comparsa

Un poco, deme un poco más en la balanza

Visionarios que les copa mi esperanza

Ja, ni con cincuenta millone' les alcanza

Uh, ATR-vido, gangsta

Uh, la promesa, como Lio Messi en Barça

El unico que escuchaba rap desde la panza, pai

En la calle me conocen como el hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip

La cara de los jóven del país

Es el turro más pegado, what the f*ck is this?

Sé tu número 'e condado, ñeri, fu-fu-f*ck

Mami, el vocero soy yo

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien

El mundo entero me oyó

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien

Fo-Fo-Fo-Forreo en el ghetto, soy yo

Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em

¿Quién más rapero que yo?

What, what, what? Huh, huh

Y ahora todos quieren fama, quieren lana

TR1, techo y cama, y unos beso' de la mamá, hm-hm

En la cima no hace frío, no drama

Son los sello' que me llaman y que dejo pa' mañana, okey

Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em

Yo vengo de la puna, traje el pan pa' mis pana', okey

Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em

Ah, yaoh, pobre competencia, Trueno gana sin gana'

Yo dejo por América a la Panamericana

Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, my bae, ey (Shake 'em up, shake 'em)

Mami, el vocero soy yo

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien

El mundo entero me oyó

Ya saben quien, ya saben quien (Yeahh)

Fo-Fo-Fo-Forreo en el ghetto, soy yo

Oh, no, no, no, no, no

¿Quién más rapero que yo?

Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em

En la calle me conocen como el hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip

La cara de los jóven del país (Dance crip)

Es el turro más pegado, what the f*ck is this? (What the f*ck is this?)

Sé tu número 'e condado

En la calle me conocen como el hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip (Dance crip)

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, babe

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

A mover el c*lo, a mover el c*lo

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

A mover el c*lo, a mover el c*lo

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

A mover el c*lo, a mover el c*lo

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

A mover el c*lo

DANCE CRIP Lyrics in English (Translation) - Trueno

Ayy, hehe

Ayy, what's happenin '?

You know who, you know who

What a good song, friend, DANCE CRIP You

already know who, you already know who

Ayy, what's happenin '?

They already know who, they already know who (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Help me with this, friend

On the street they know me as hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip

The face of the youth of the country

It is the most stuck turro, what the f * ck is this?

I know your number 'e county, ñeri, fu-fu-fu-f * ck

Ah, now you, ah, you know', ah, like, ah, you know, ah

Playing in the bare ', what do you think about it?

Let them warn the stamps to get ready (Okay)

Because the street asks for salsa

Compas con paz, comparsa

A little, give me a little more on the scale

Visionaries who take my hope

Ha, not even with fifty million 'they reach

Uh, ATR-vido, gangsta

Uh, the promise, like Lio Messi in Barça

The only one who listened to rap from the belly , pai

On the street they know me as hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip

The face of the youth of the country

It is the most stuck turro, what the f * ck is this?

I know your number 'e county, ñeri, fu-fu-f * ck

Mami, the spokesperson is me You

already know who, you already know who

The whole world heard me You

already know who, you already know who

Fo-Fo-Fo-Forreo in the ghetto, it's

meShake 'em up, shake' em up, shake 'em up, shake' em

Who more rapper than me?

What, what, what? Huh, huh

And now everyone wants fame, they want

TR1 wool , a roof and a bed, and a few kisses 'from the mother, hm-hm

At the top it is not cold, no drama

They are the stamps' that call me and that I leave for tomorrow Okay

Shake 'em up, shake' em up, shake 'em up, shake' em

I come from the puna, I brought the bread for my corduroy, okay

Shake 'em up, shake' em up, shake 'em up , shake 'em

Ah, yaoh, poor competition, Trueno wins without winning'

I leave the Pan American for America

Shake 'em up, shake' em up, my bae, hey (Shake 'em up, shake' em)

Mami, el I'm the spokesperson, you

know who,

You know who, you know who (Yeahh)

Fo-Fo-Fo-Forreo in the ghetto, it's me

Oh, no, no, no, no, no

Who more rapper than me?

Shake 'em up, shake' em up, shake 'em up, shake' em

In the street they know me as hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip

The face of the youth of the country (Dance crip)

It is the turro more stuck, what the f * ck is this? (What the f * ck is this?)

I know your county number

On the street they know me as hip-hop, the hit, the real dance crip (Dance crip)

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, babe

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

Move the c * lo, move the c * lo

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

Move the c * lo, move the c * lo

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

move the c * it to move sh *

Shake it, baby, shake it, baby

move the sh *
