Peepal ke patve se chikni meri gori re

This article is written by Arunkumar Deshmukh, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in other sites without the knowledge and consent of the web administrator of, then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

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After about 8 transfers in different states on promotions, I was promoted further and brought to our Head office in Bombay ( it had yet to become Mumbai). I settled down here for good. The year was 1983. While going to the office everyday, I used to see a beautiful Housing society at the corner of Versova Road and Juhu Road junction. The society’s name was ” Karachi Residents’ society-No.4″. I was very curious about this name. On one Sunday, while returning from a friend’s house, I stopped my car near this society, I saw a middle-aged person coming out of the gate. I stopped him and enquired. From what he told me, I gathered that this was a society of those people who lived in Karachi, before the Partition. He further enlightened me that there were 5 such societies in Bombay and there was also a “Lahore Residents’ Society ” which too had 5 numbers. People who fled from Karachi and Lahore at the time of Partition still loved their original abode !

Later I read somewhere that there was a Bombay Residents’ Society in Karachi also ! So the attachments were on both sides !! Partition not only divided the Country in 1947 but also affected the Film industry badly on both sides. Few days ago I was reading a book “Mourning the Nation – Indian cinema in the wake of Partition” written by Bhaskar Sarkar. Then I remembered those societies. Today, those society buildings have been pulled down and new buildings have come up, with different new names. However, a closer look shows older names mentioned in small letters in brackets on the new name boards.

According to the book, Indian film industry lost some Gems, but Pakistan was not in a position to do justice to these Gems, as their film industry was in doldrums. Everything had to be started all over again. Till that time the artistes had to wait. Problem in India was the void created by the exit of artistes, but this was easily done by a strong reserve available, waiting in the wings for opportunities. This was the second line. The problem in Pakistan was having to establish the infrastructure itself plus financers for the film production, since the economy was yet to develop.

In undivided India, Lahore (then in the Punjab) was important as a showbiz centre. It was an established film-making centre. The first Talkie film ever to be made in a Lahore studio was Heer Ranjha-1932 and thereafter many Urdu and Punjabi films were produced from Lahore every year. The partition of India into two independent states – India and Pakistan, caused irreparable damage to film production in Lahore. Most of Lahore’s film producers were Hindus and as the city fell on the side of the Islamic state of Pakistan, they migrated to India. This deprived Lollywood, as Lahore is referred to in film circles, of much needed investment and expertise in film production and distribution. Many talented actors and musicians from Punjab and Sindh area tried their luck in the Cine Industry at Lahore. Nevertheless, the biggest centre of film production was Bombay and it was every aspiring artiste’s dream to go to Bombay and shine there.

The film activity at Lahore increased considerably in the early 40s in terms of film production and Music. Those days many actors and musicians shifted their base to Bombay from Lahore, Calcutta and other places too.

The list of such people is very long, but it will suffice to mention some well known names-
Noorjehan, Pran, Saigal, Prithwiraj Kapoor, Shyam, Dilip Kumar, Surinder, Karan Dewan, Dev Anand, Balraj Sahni, Singer Khursheed, Mumtaz Shanti, Veena, Begum Para, Meena Shorey, Suraiya, Manorama, Kamini Kaushal, Shyama(Khursheed Akhtar), A R Kardar, M Sadiq, Suresh(Nazim Ahmed), Amar, Chetan Anand, Zande Khan, Ghulam Hyder, Pt.Amarnath and his brothers Husnlal-Bhagatram, Hansraj Behl, S.Mohinder, Firoz Nizami, Khursheed Anwar, Khayyam, Vinod, Shyamsunder, Kidar Sharma, Krishna Chander, O P Dutta, Saadat Hasan Manto, Qamar Jalalabadi, D N Madhok, Tanvir Naqvi, Prem Dhawan etc etc. Many of the actors and producers used to shuttle between Lahore and Bombay for their work.

And when the PARTITION took place in 1947, in the communal frenzy, polarisation of artistes took place. Some Hindus shifted to Bombay and Some Muslims left for Lahore.

At the actual time of Partition some Indian artists were in Lahore for film work. They were B R Chopra, Ramanand Sagar, I S Johar, Gulshan Rai, Omprakash, Jeevan, O P Nayyar, Rajinder Singh Bedi, Naqsh Lyallpuri, Surinder and Prakash Kaur Manorama and Pushpa Huns. They all left Lahore hurriedly and reached Bombay Safely.

However this journey was not so safe for one actor-Comedian Durga Prasad, known as Durga Mota. He was very fat. In the melee, he reached the Lahore station and somehow entered the Train to Bombay. Suddenly a group of mad rioters entered the Lahore station and started killing the travellers. Most people ran helter skelter, but due to his heavy body, Durga Mota could not run and was cut into pieces on the Lahore station platform itself !

Same way many artists from Bombay left for Lahore and ALL of them reached safely. some of the Directors who migrated to Pakistan were-

Syed Shaukat Hussain Rizvi, S M Yousuf, Najam Naqvi, Munshi Dil, Nakshab Jarachavi, M Sadiq, Zia Sarhadi, Sibtain Fazli(of Fazli Brothers), S T Zaidi , Zahoor Raja, Wali saheb, A R Kardar,Nazir,W Z Ahmed,Masood Pervez, Shareef Nayyar,Luqmaan, Dawood Chaand, Rakhan, Nusrat Mansoori, M H Qasim, Roop K Shorey, Butt Kasher, Barkat Mehra and Manto.

Some of the Actors/actresses were- Nazeer, Sadiq Ali, Masood, Sudhir, Santosh, Ratan Kumar, Najmul Hussain, Suresh and Nasir khan(both came back to India later), Sh.Mukhtar, M.Ismail, Ajmal, Gulam Mohd, Kumar, Ghori, Majeed, Shahnawaz, Himalayawala, Shyam Kumar, Allauddin, Shah Shikarpuri, Charlie, Nazar Faizi Noorjehan, Meena Shorey, Khursheed, Zeenat Begum, Asha Posley, Najma, Kalawati, Rehana, Swarnalata, Ragini, Bibbo, Renuka Devi, Geeta Nizami, Maya Devi etc.

Some from the music field were- Khursheed Anwar, Inayat Hussain, Rafiq gaznavi, G A Chisti, Ghulam Hyder, Firoz Nizami, Nissar Bazmi, Nashaad, Tufail Faruqi, Tanvir Naqvi, Faiyaz Hasmi, Iqbal Bano, Premlata,Khursheed,Zeenat Begum,Shevan Rizvi,Rasheed Atre,Fateh Ali khan,Babul etc.

With so many people migrating to Pakistan at a time and given the condition of the Pakistan Film Industry then, it is a moot question, whether all these migrants could get work there and shine ?

There were 2 types of people who migrated-

1. Those who had achieved their peaks already in India and
2. Those who had just started their careers.

Obviously the second group, at least some of them, could do well there eventually.

Some of the successful migrants there were- Noor jahan, Khursheed Anwar, G A Chisti, Nissar Bazmi, Firoz Nizami, Najam Naqvi, Nakshab Jarachavi, Sibtain Fazli, Wali Saheb,Manto, Rashid Atre, Sudhir, Santosh, Asha Posley, Shameem, Najma, Yasmeen, Ragini, Zahoor Shah, Shaikh Iqbal, Himalayawala, Nazar, Rafiq Gaznavi, Tanvir Naqvi, Iqbal Bano etc.

The unfortunate ones were-some of them- Meena Shorey, Ratan Kumar, M Sadiq, Charlie, Ghori, Kumar, Shaikh Mukhtar, Najmul Hussain, Neena, Kalavati, Maya devi, Gulam Hyder, Nashaad, Premlata etc.

Almost all the artists who shifted to Bombay prior to Partition did very well here.

(Notes- 1.All lists are only indicative and not exhaustive
2.Migrants means between 1947 to 1970 period.)

About two years ago, there was a fruitful discussion on my Facebook page about Partition effects on Film industry in India and Pakistan. Many senior experts (from US and UK too !) participated and some more new information came out of this discussion…..

The rioting of 1947 set in motion irreversible, irrevocable migration. B R. Chopra and I S Johar were planning films in a big way in Lahore but had to run for their lives. Ramanand Sagar left in July, as did Gulshan Rai. Character actor Om Prakash (of Fateh Din fame, an all-time favourite skit relayed for years by Radio Lahore), comedian-bad man Jeevan and many others also left Lahore for Bombay. O P Nayyar recorded his immortal song Priyatam Aan Milo/ Dukhia Jiya Bullai, Aan Milo at the His Master’s Voice studio in Lahore. He left Lahore only in 1948 when it became clear that people with the wrong religion were not going to return to their homes on either side of the Punjab. Writer Rajinder Singh Bedi escaped, sitting on top of a railway carriage carrying loads of Hindus and Sikhs out of Lahore. Song-writer Naqsh Lyallpuri began his literary career in Lahore as a journalist but had to leave in 1947. Punjabi singers Surinder Kaur and Prakash Kaur, and Pushpa Hans also left Lahore.

Migration in the other direction also took place. Nazir and his wife Swarnlata, Noorjahan and her husband Shaukat Husain Rizvi, character actor Alauddin and many others headed for Lahore. Manto came in January 1948, music directors Ghulam Haider and Khurshid Anwar followed some years later and director M. Sadiq probably in 1969 or 1970. Meena Shorey, Khurshid and Mumtaz Shanti also immigrated to Lahore. Some Pakistani actors in Lahore continued to use Hindu filmic names. Santosh Kumar (Musa Raza) and Sudhir (Shah Zaman), the two most famous heroes of the 1950s and 60s followed such practice. On both sides, initially considerable goodwill existed between the two film communities.

Some families were divided. Thus for example, while Nazir Ahmed khan shifted to Lahore, his nephew K. Asif stayed on in Bombay. Kardar stayed on but his brother Nusrat Kardar and son Rauf Kardar returned to Lahore. While Suraiya, her mother and grandmother settled in Bombay, many of her other relatives shifted to Lahore. Rafi stayed on to reign supreme in Bombay while his parents and siblings were in Lahore.

There were some cross-religion marriages that created peculiar challenges. Raj Kapoor’s maama (maternal uncle) Mr Mehra married a Muslim actress Anwari, converted to Islam and stayed in Lahore. A unique case of reverse migration took place as well: poet Sahir Ludhianvi (Abdul Hai) left Lahore for India.

Luckily,except for few like Noorjehan, Khursheed Anwar and some others, the well established Muslim artistes like Rafi, Talat, Shamshad, Naushad and hundreds of others chose to remain in India. They prospered here and became popular in Pakistan as well.

After partition,this turmoil subsided after a short period in India and it was business as usual here, while in Lahore, Pakistan had to build up from scratch, but the Film Industry there too stabilised in a few years’ time. The base of Film industry in Pakistan was built by people who migrated from India. Migration from India to Pakistan continued till about 1970 for the pre-partition artistes. In fact till about 1965 there was an exchange of artistes from both sides to work in other countries, but after the 65 war, this working stopped almost completely.

Music Directors who left India after Partition had done a very good job here. Composers like Nissar Bazmi and Feroz Nizami became exceptionally successful in Pakistan, but Nashad, Rafiq Ghaznavi and others were not successful to that extent. Khursheed Anwar, a very highly respected composer here remained a father figure even in Pakistan.

Partition did a lot of damage to both countries and the film industry. With so many artistes leaving at a time surely affected the filmdom, but it also opened up new avenues for new singers and new blood composers.

Despite all this in the Partition year – 1947 saw making of a Record number of films in India – 181 (this record remained till 1985). Of course most films were made in a hurry to complete before the deadline of August-1947. Still, even in these circumstances also some very good, meaningful, milestone and musical films were made in 1947, like… Aaj aur Kal (the first Sci Fi film), Bhakta Dhruv, Dard, Do Bhai, Elan, Jugnu, Leela, Meera, Meerabai, Mirza Sahiban, Natak, Parwana, Shehnai, Sindoor etc.etc.

Today’s song is from one of the unknown films of 1947 – Bela. The only noteworthy point about this film was, it was the first ever film of Zohrabai, where she sang all the 10 songs of the film. The other film surpassing this record was film Meerabai – 47, where Sitara Kanpuri sang all the 13 songs of the film. However even this record was broken in 1947 itself when M. S. Subbulakshmi sang all 17 songs of her film Meera-1947. As far as I remember this record is yet unbeaten.

Bela-47 was made by Ranjit Cinetone. It was directed by Chaturbhuj Doshi and the MD was Bulo C Rani. The film had 10 songs. 9 songs are already discussed. Today’s song is the last 10th song and the film says YIPPEE. I was given this song by Abhay Jain ji of US, but it was a slightly short one. Sadanand Kamath ji found another version song which was longer and uploaded it for me. I thank both of them.

Song- Peepal ke patve se chikni meri gori re (Bela)(1947) Singers- A R Oza, Zohrabai Ambalewaali, Lyricist- D N Madhok, MD- Bulo C Rani


peepal ke patve se chikni meri gori re
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho

peepal ke patve se chikni meri gori re
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho

torey nainon mein chhoti si duniya basaayi hai
gham e aasha umang sang naachne ko aayi hai
torey nainon mein chhoti si duniya basaayi hai
gham e aasha umang sang naachne ko aayi hai
meri umang meri chhoti si gori re
mera sahaara mera baalmaa ho
meri umang meri chhoti si gori re
mera sahaara mera baalmaa ho
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho

peepal ke patve se chikni meri gori re
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho

pyaar ke phool mein balma kaante lage hain
lag na jaaye
pyaar ke phool mein balma kaante lage hain
lag na jaaye
dekho ulfat ke pehloo mein furkat chhupi hai
wo din na aayen
dekho ulfat ke pehloo mein furkat chhupi hai
wo din na aayen
kehti rahoon
kit dhoondhoon kit jaaun re
kehti rahoon
kit dhoondhoon kit jaaun re
mera to haal mere baalmaa ho
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho

peepal ke patve se chikni meri gori re
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho
chanda se pyaara mera baalmaa ho


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